Ann Jameson

Mini Motif

Paris may have decreed that hemlines will become longer and longer, but gay leggy girls like ANN JAMESON, London fashion model, are going to fight that decree on a blow-by-blow basis.

The first blow Ann struck was to turn out in her itsy-bitsy mini, which was just about the briefest in town.

It was so brief that Mr. Jarvis Parkinson thought she was wearing a long-sleeved blouse and had forgotten her skirt. With the faintest tinge of embarrassment, he drew Ann aside and said. "Er-pardon me, Miss er-urn-’’

"I'm not Miss Er-Um," said Ann, “I'm Miss Jameson."

"Well-um-pardon me. Miss Jameson, but I wondered-er-if you knew-well, um-the fact is- “

"You’re very kind," said Ann. "but what I don't know I don’t worry about. Ignorance is sweet bliss, isn’t it?"

“Your wonderful, “said Mr Parkinson, “and I just hate having to leave you. but I’ve got a train to catch."

Beautiful Britons No 167 – October 1967

Brenda North

In Mod Mood

Girl who belongs to the modern way of life is BRENDA NORTH, although you can see she likes communing with countryside as well as getting into the groove on the dance floor.

Brenda is slim, lively and likes to go, go, go, and if she looks a little dreamy when she’s out-of-doors, well, the girls in the mod mood today are dreamy, aren’t they?

Jane Brewerton

Happy to be a Housewife

Honey blonde JANE BREWERTON has recently got married.

Notwithstanding all that permissive talk which floats carelessly about, Jane wasn't interested in anything but the old-fashioned way of doing things. In white, in church and in June she was married.

Dental receptionist and glamour model, Jane is still happy to be a housewife, and is settling down so well to being a lovely one that hubby is going around murmuring, "Fantastic—why didn't we think of this before?"

And he doesn't just say that because of her delicious Continental cooking, you know.

Tamie Scott

Secretary On The Go

Life isn't necessarily a matter of waiting around for things to happen. Fred was all right as long as he stayed in bed, but being all by himself it got inexorably dull.

So, he got up and went out in search of a happening. It was a windy day, the washing got blown off the line of No. 63 Planet Avenue and suddenly there was Fred with stockings and frillies and things wrapped around his neck. And there was also a blushing young housewife calling, "Stop, thief." Fred nearly got arrested.

Fortunately, a girl whizzing by in her sports car had seen the happening and was able to testify that Fred had been an innocent victim of the breezes. Fred thought it was absolutely lovely of her and was about to ask her up for cocoa in token of his gratitude when she said, "Well, so long, old sport," and off she whizzed.

TAMIE SCOTT is like that. She's a secretary always on the go. She's nineteen and at that age who ever feels tired? It's different with Fred. He's got flat feet. Tamie has got curves and long lovely legs.

Pamela Gastell

Is There a Tractor Around?

Willy Carmuckle, known locally as the village half-pint—he's only five feet four—looked around to see if there was a tractor in sight. He thought if he could find one and drive it around the cornfield in ever-increasing circles, it would take his mind off the distracting beauty of PAMELA GASTELL.

"You couldn't manage a tractor even if you found one," said his friend, who was more blase about beauty. (He worked in a lingerie factory).

"I could manage it better than I could manage Miss Gastell, she’s too blooming pom-pom for me," said Willy.

"What's pom-pom?"

"She makes my ears go ping," said Willy.

That's the trouble with only being five feet four. Pamela is five feet five and lives in Brighton. During sunny week-ends she rides over the Downs on her horse, and sometimes she gets off her horse and looks all picturesque, as she does here.

Would you like to live in Sussex and meet up occasionally with Pamela?

As a matter of fact, said Bighead, l’d like to live in Sussex and meet up frequently with her.

So would we.

Ann Carol Keyes

They Don't Make Them Like This in Tonka

Where's Tonka?

Oh, somewhere in the heart of undiscovered waters a thousand miles from the Great Barrier Reef. Nothing to do with Tonga, just a place on its own. They don't make anything there except coconut-fibre sarongs, and they aren't half itchy.

And they certainly don't make mini-skirted dollies like ANN CAROL KEYES. Ann is so photogenic, what with her dishy suspenders and all, that masculine eyeballs get sort of struck rigid. Mint-flavoured custard is the only cure. Tastes awful but what other antidote is there?

Ann, a young and healthy picture of glamour, has no impossible ambitions. She's just looking forward to having a husband, home and babies in time. Lovely.

Angela Bond

Its Lovely in Kent

Well, it’s lovely at the time of the year when ANGELA BOND of Devon is visiting in her wire wheeled chariot of fiery red.

It’s even more lovely when you realise Angela is just the girl you’d like to get lost in an orchard with. If you’re fond of apples Angela will fill a barrel for you.

The barrel has to have the right shape of 37-24-36.

Valerie Peters

Speaking of France

Speaking of France, secretary VALERIE PETERS was going there for a holiday this year, but what with the currency restrictions and her feeling that the General doesn’t like her, she said “Non,” to the idea in the end. She’s going to Cornwall instead so look out for her skimming the white horses on her surf board.

Anne Scott

Giving a Shine to Winter

If we had to pick any girl to give a shine to winter we wouldn't go far wrong in choosing ANNE SCOTT of Ayrshire.

That well-known smile can do more for chilly goosepimples than a run round the gasworks, especially when it's on show on a crisp and wintry day. Anne has long been one of our own exclusive glamour girls and still her fans write to beg for more.

They like Anne's aptitude for putting over a frilly look just as much as her smile. It’s something they miss out on in these days of jeans.

Jane Rennie

I’m All Right, Jack

It wasn’t anything any girl couldn’t cope with providing she was a motor mechanic, and It was just a quirk of fate that JANE RENNIE happened to be one of those who wasn’t. She couldn’t think why the car was charging lumpishly along like a three-legged elephant, and passing fellow-motorists were happy in the fact that her trouble wasn’t their trouble.

In other words, Jack was all right. As for Jane, she couldn’t think why the rear offside wheel and tyre had such an odd look, but where there’s another wheel there’s always a way. Change ’em over. So, she did. And there you are.

Helene Gibbs

The Lolly is Lovely

HELENE GIBBS, arrived in London some several months ago. She didn't expect to make her fortune overnight, but did hope she'd be able to earn enough lolly to pay the rent of her little flat in Camden Town and keep her in food and clothing.

A dancer, Helene thought London's theatres and night clubs wouldn't actually be short of scintillating exponents of this art, and it was with surprise and delight that she found her talents accepted.

Now she's dancing nightly in cabaret. The lolly is lovely, so are the audiences.

At five feet six, with measurements of 37-24-36, Helene is lovely too, especially when photographed in the environs of leafy Hampstead.

Annette Wilson

Rain or Shine

It’s not the parasol that counts, it’s the girl. The girl is ANNETTE WILSON, the parasol is just some little thing she bought in a Local store when they were selling off during the summer rain. The truth is, in rain or shine, with or without parasol, Annette is a curvy, shapely pin-up, and if you met her on the beach or on a foggy day in London you’d find the day would look suddenly brighter. There are girls and girls—most of them undeniably attractive (for such is the way the modern misses are growing up these days)—and of many girls Annette can be counted among the tops. She’s a honey-blonde and measures 36"-23"-36".

Annette is a Scot and once she played the bagpipes. Some nearby Irishman complained so Annette hasn’t played them since.

Annette likes dancing, theatres, horse-riding. She is a dancer herself and has the long, graceful legs that make the best dancers so efficient and so eye-catching.

Annette also likes food. Growing girls mostly do. She favours no particular kind of cooking and can enjoy French, Italian, Spanish or Scottish dishes with equal relish. With a palate as cos­mopolitan as that the capitals of Europe— and she’s been to most of them—can offer her all their own particular recipes with happy confidence that she’ll do them justice.

Helen Jones

Music Lover

One of the leading lights of London at the moment is HELEN JONES. She's a genuine swinger. Wherever there's something going on that's at all worthwhile, you can bet your psychedelic pink shirt that Helen will be conspicuously ravishing.

She's a model with a big London agency and appeared in the film 'Love Variations'. That was a genuine swinger too.

Helen is twenty-one, lives in North London and is a music lover. She adores both classical and underground music.

Underground? You mean on a tube train?

"Great tombstones," said Helen "how long have you been dead?"

That, of course, proves that if you don't speak the language of the swingers you might as well spend your time in museums.

Ah well, you can always sort out a nice, sympathetic mummy to talk to.

Vanda Vane-Dotson

It’s Never Like This With a Horse

Tall, bi-lingual, pro-debutante VANDA VANE-DOTSON is not among those photogenic girls who can’t resist the lure of becoming all willowy and glossy in the London fashion world.

For Vanda a flat in London is not to be compared with a Georgian house in the Sussex countryside. Let those who have to launch themselves into the traffic do so. Vanda opts for an open-air environment, where she’s got all the room she needs for horse-riding and whizzing around in her sports car. Speaking of cars, it isn’t every girl who can alight from a friend’s model and get a tight skirt caught in a tight door.

As Vanda said at the time, “It’s never like this with a horse. You can fall off a horse, certainly, and you can even rip your jodhpur’s, but nothing like this can happen to you.’’

Perhaps she’s right. But there’s a first time for everything, you know.

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