Carnival - eBooks
Carnival Vol 3 - 8
Carnival Vol 3 - 8
Carnival Vol 3 - No 8 August 1957 (60pp) - Digital Copy
Front Cover:
Back Cover: Mara Corday
Models: Brigitte Bardot, Shirley du Cros, Miss England 1957, Mara Corday, Lorna Conway, Marian Ljunggren,
Competition Models: Valerie Morgan, June Russell, June Knight, Dawn Collins, Elizabeth Ball, Norma Harris, Mary Turton, Janine Sykes, Eileen Fassan, Anna McKinnes, Pat Holland, Connie Ford
Other Content: Model of the Month (Shirley du Cros), Miss England 1957, Aids to Beauty (Shoes), Health and Beauty (The Hair No 2), Sweden’s Beauty Queen (Marian Ljunggren), Look Your Best (Crowning Glory), Night Life in Manchester, Readers Letters, Carnival Crossword.