USA Mixed Titles
/Black Nylons - Volume 1 No 5 - 1962 (72 Pages)
New eBook
A mixed selection of titles, primarily from the USA, from the late 1950’s through to the end of the 1960’s. I have many or just a couple of copies of each title. I will make the best of them available as digital downloads. New additions will always be notified here.
Tip Top - eBooks
/Tip Top - Elmer Batters
No’s 1 and 3 to add to the eBook collection. More to follow soon.
New eBooks
/Elmers Batters - Black Silk Stockings
These early publications are now in short supply and very collectable, fetching high prices when they do become available. Enjoy them as digital copies.
Nostalgia Publications - New eBooks
/New eBooks - Nostalgia Publications
Selection of eBooks from Nostalgia Publications for you to enjoy.
QT eBooks
/New Stock - QT eBooks
That’s the final few books uploaded – 94 books plus a Best Of, all available now. Book No 43 has a missing centre fold; if anyone can help me with a loan or replacement that would be great; if not, I will just have to keep searching. Book No 74 did have two pages missing. It is now a complete book, so if you purchased it with the pages missing, please contact me and I will send you a complete copy. These books have all been scanned with a new higher quality setting and they look great. It’s rare to see a complete set of QT’s. The actual books, and all the duplicates I have, will be going on sale in due course - so If you prefer actual copies then they are on their way. Also, if you are interested in a complete collection of actual books, please make sure you contact me sooner rather than later.
QT eBooks
/New eBooks QT - Russell Gay and Concord Publications
Another 40 QT’s added to the eBook collection - Numbers 39 to 79.
QT eBooks
/New eBooks QT - Russell Gay and Concord Publications
Another 26 QT’s added to the eBook collection - Numbers 13 to 38.
QT eBooks
/New eBooks - Russell Gay and Concord Publications
First 12 books uploaded and available to download.
Kamera – Harrison Marks
/Kamera - New eBooks
30 New eBooks Available
Mixed Selection - eBooks
/New eBooks - Strip Lingerie - Silky - Skirt - Ladies - Sleek and More
14 New eBooks added filling in more gaps from the Ben’s collections.
Solo - Harrison Marks
/eBooks and Used Books Available
27 Copies of Each
Kamera - Harrison Marks
/New eBooks - Kamera – Harrison Marks
First 20 books available with more to follow very soon.
Filling Gaps
/New eBooks
Carnival - Volume 4 No 11 - November 1958
Strip Lingerie No 81 - Ben’s Books
Fantastic No 23 - Pennine Magazines
Random Selection
/New eBooks
Modern Life Volume 1 No 2 - Featuring Penny Winters, Dawn Grayson and Grace Jackson.
Macking - A Handbook of Rainwear.
Ladies Directory No 8 - Interesting Little Booklet.
Bettie Page
/New eBooks
Occasionally I scan books that I just like, or that are so rare I can’t pass up the opportunity. Two hard to find Bettie Page books.