Escort Magazine

Escort - City Magazines 1958 - 1971

Escort magazine during the 1960s showcased British pin-up and glamour at its best, published as a full-size magazine rather than the familiar digest size that was popular throughout the UK in the 1960s. The content could not have been better, featuring full-page colour and black-and-white pictures mixed in with a bit of fiction and a few articles. What's so nice about it and what personally draws me to it is that there is great model information, with nearly all models being named and basic facts provided, making it all the more interesting to collectors 60 years down the road.

What I have always found interesting is that Escort was found in newsagents at the same time as the ever-popular Spick, Span, and Beautiful Britons books, which couldn't have been more different. Did the same customers buy both titles, and if they were Spick and Span fans, they might have been surprised to see some very familiar names in slightly racier pictures and poses. I suppose that those models who saw modelling as more of a profession than a few quid on the side were easily persuaded to show a little more. Lots of great-condition copies available at BrazenBooks.