QT, Kamera and Others.

New eBay Listings.

I am having a bit of a clear out and I have an excess of QT’s and Kamera. Some of these are going on eBay and some will be placed up for sale here. Essentially, I am just listing on eBay the ones I have multiple copies of.

QT’s I have 8 lots of 10 books each plus postage, if that’s of interest to you then contact me, I will improve on the eBay price as I won’t incur any extra costs. They are all in Good complete condition. I do have more pictures of the front and back covers. Not really prepared to mix them up, but there are no duplicates in each lot. If you want all 80 books talk to me.

Lots of books to list on this site, which I am determined to do over the next week before I start anything else. Keep checking back for updates.