Modern Man

Modern Man - eBay Listings

Modern Man magazines listed on eBay. Very found of these magazines, especially the later editions, which feature some quality photography with some fabulous models on display.

USA Mens Magazines - eBay Listings

A nice selection of 1960s men's magazines has been added to eBay. All are in great condition, with lots of well-known names lurking amongst the pages. If that interests you, then follow this link: eBay Listings.

Sir Magazine and Others

Top-Shelf From The USA

Lots of 1960s top-shelf magazines from the USA are being listed on eBay. These great magazines feature many familiar names, are not expensive, and are all in very good to good condition. Treat yourself to something different; you won't be disappointed.

Dude Magazine - eBay Listings

Dude magazine listings now on eBay - Great articles and even better pictures from the 1960s. Topless and teasing when girls were girls. Both USA and International copies available. They are not expensive and are already selling quickly.

eBay Listings

New eBay Listings

I have started in earnest to list a very varied selection of books on eBay, so if you are a regular buyer on this site, it might be worth checking my shop as a favourite and setting email notifications to get notified when new items are posted. This is the start of a big clear-out, and even though eBay and I have had a bumpy relationship in the past, it does expose my books to a much wider audience. 

Over the next few weeks, I will start to list a good selection of 1960s top shelf magazines from the USA. Oddly, I find these slow to sell in the UK but they are well worth a look as they have some excellent content; just check some of the prices on eBay in the US. I will be selling these, I think, relatively cheaply, as I have crates of super condition magazines that I just need to move on to make space. 

Any questions, feel free to ask. I am available most of the time now, and if you want to deal in quantity or outside of eBay, just contact me.

Sun Bathing Review

Sun Bathing Review

Just listed 30-plus really nice condition copies of Sun Bathing Review on eBay, all from the 1950s and late 1940s. These are becoming quite collectible, and they were certainly interesting and a bit odd in my view when they were first published. If they interest you, then have a look at my eBay shop before eBay removes them for breaching their very inconsistent policies.

Sunday Sport Supplements

Sunday Sport Supplements - Mad For It - Ave It and Others

The Sunday Sport, whatever your thoughts about it, was at one time a very popular newspaper. However, the news aspect of it was certainly very questionable. For a period of time around the late 1990s to early 2000s, it included a selection of free supplements: Mad For It, Ave It, Clout, and others. These primarily showcased their own models and frequently featured celebrities, actors, and pop stars of the time in compromising and revealing situations and poses. These have now become very collectible due to the celebrities they exploited who are now 25 years older with often very changed careers and interests. To my point, I have many excellent condition copies currently being listed on eBay as auction items, with more to come in about a week's time. So, if that interests you, please take a look. They don't come up that often, as I suppose at the time they were very much throwaway items, just like the paper. eBay Listings.

1960s Men's Magazines - eBay Listings

Topper, Fling, Cavalcade, Bachelor, and More: 1960s Men's Magazines from the USA.

I have quite a lot of excellent condition magazines from the 1960s in the USA top shelf category, which I have begun to list on eBay (so far so good).
I must say that these are some of my favourite magazine types because the pictures are excellent and in comparison to up to date magazines, the models are superb, all with slightly more rounded breasts and bottoms.
Of course, certainly no front bottom halves are on display, just dark shades beneath knickers. Fantastic! I am certainly enjoying listing them.
Some familiar names such as Dawn Grayson and Terri Martine, to just name a couple.
I have plenty of really nice magazines from the 1960s and 70s to get listed over at BrazenBooks, which in time will become the home of all book sales so it's worth keeping a watchful eye on from time to time.
But if 1960s men's magazines from the USA are your thing, please have a look at my eBay sales before the Americans snap them all up.

eBay Listings

eBay Listings - Pin-Up Books and More

Lots of new small-format pin-up magazines and others listed on eBay, with lots more to come over the coming weeks. Check them out before they get taken down. Making a big effort to keep the eBay shop topped up with books and magazines. It's always worth keeping an eye on if you are a book collector. There is a link to the shop towards the top right of this page. Save me as a seller to get email updates when new stock is listed.

QT, Kamera and Others.

New eBay Listings.

I am having a bit of a clear out and I have an excess of QT’s and Kamera. Some of these are going on eBay and some will be placed up for sale here. Essentially, I am just listing on eBay the ones I have multiple copies of.

QT’s I have 8 lots of 10 books each plus postage, if that’s of interest to you then contact me, I will improve on the eBay price as I won’t incur any extra costs. They are all in Good complete condition. I do have more pictures of the front and back covers. Not really prepared to mix them up, but there are no duplicates in each lot. If you want all 80 books talk to me.

Lots of books to list on this site, which I am determined to do over the next week before I start anything else. Keep checking back for updates.

Elmer Batters and More

Print Sales

A small selection of 19 prints listed on eBay.

eBay Listing

ToCo - Prints

Small selection of prints placed on eBay. All nice quality and a good size, please check listing details for more information.

Annette Gridley, Fiona Stuart, Helen Milligan, Jackie Blair, Linda Turner, Lisa Shannon, Marie Graham, Nicola Taylor, Ros Stuart, Susan Douglas