Carnival eBooks


I am slowly making available Carnival eBooks (Digital Copies), and have just uploaded the first two volumes - most of the rest will follow over the next couple of months.

Carnival was well known for its £50 Beauty Contest which was so popular in Beauty Parade. Lots of great pin-up photography tips, with many pictures from well known photographers of the time - Russell Gay and Harrison Marks to name a couple.

The Competition section I find particularly interesting, as some of the amateur photographers and models certainly went on to become popular and frequent contributors to many magazines throughout the 1960’s.

All books are scanned as PDF’s as before and at a higher quality, making their file sizes slightly larger that some of the ToCo titles; they are now also all fully searchable.

You can also always perform a site search for any amateur names you may be looking out for.

While I have your attention, I am still short of a few Carnival numbers and would really appreciate some help filling my gaps. If you can help at all, then please contact me. I am not necessarily looking to purchase - just borrow if possible. Rewards could be generous if you can help me out!

I will also, in time, put together a Carnival information page; again, any help with its history is always appreciated. Please do come forward if you think you have something which may be of interest. 

Missing Copies.

Volume 3 (1957) - No’s 4 and 9

Volume 3/4 (1958) - No’s 1, 7, 9, 11 and 12

Volume 4/5 (1959) - No’s 1, 2, 5 and 6