Ken Rush Glamour Collection
/Black Stockings On The Sofa
This set of pictures features a very attractive model who is all set for action on the sofa.
This set of pictures features a very attractive model who is all set for action on the sofa.
Blue knickers and more fancy stockings— very nice, relaxing on the sofa.
Bending and stretching in a rather fetching grey leather, our older model leaves little to the imagination.
London's lovely Reshia looks oh-so-very sexy, teasing us on the stairs.
You can see more of the very pretty Reshia in full colour in eBook Nos. 53 and 125 from the Spick and Span 2000 range.
Super picture of Fleur from the Spick and Span 2000 Gold range of booklets. Doesn’t she look absolutely gorgeous with her hair up and dressed in just her underwear? A fantastic addition to any garden.
Why not meet Fleur in Books No. 4 and 13 in full colour? Spick and Span 2000 Gold.
Elizabeth is all ready for the winter, relaxing in her Directoire Knickers (DK’s). Another great picture courtesy of Tocofan to keep all you DK fans happy as we approach that big, silky soft knicker time of year.
You have got to love a buttoned-up skirt, especially when worn by Marie Graham. Scan from an original print.
"Ah," said Mr. Pyper, putting his head into the ladies' gown shop in Malvern, Worcs, "who's young and beautiful, then, eh?"
"Oh, you are awful," said the lovely 18-year-old salesgirl. She was ESTELLE WARNER and she was just trying to get a small-size sweater on an outside dummy. And Mr. Pyper, whose other name was Joseph, was the young man who worked in the fishing-gear shop close by. He liked to pop in occasionally—about ten times a day— to ensure he wasn't missing anything. He was dead keen on Estelle, and so are quite a few other fellers, as you can imagine. But she's in the middle of being absolutely dedicated to her job, and all she could offer Mr. Pyper was some advice to either go away or get poked in the eye with a dress hanger.
"I'll risk a poke in the eye," said Mr. Pyper, "it's worth it to see you reaching for red ribbon on the top shelf."
"Right, cheeky-chops," said Estelle and Mr. Pyper slipped out just in time to miss being injured. Estelle can't half lash out when she needs to.
Span No 236 - April 1974
Two wonderfully leggy shots of the always-popular Jane Paul. I am not sure if these two were ever published, but the scene is certainly a familiar one. Jane is very nearly breaking into a smile with her duster. More to come over the next few weeks.
Dolly birds come in all colours and some wear feathers too. SANDRA SONNING lights up as a vivacious redhead, and with or without feathers comes under the category of what someone's grandfather calls a "corking eyeful of Chelsea architecture M to Z." Sandra is nineteen, works full-time as a secretary and part-time as a model.
Span No 186 - February 1970
We did give you some shots of MARGARET WADE in our January issue, and berserk readers kept ringing up to ask for more. Well, we found some additional shots of Margaret-indoor pics this time-and here they are. Only this time don't sound so hysterical on the phone.
Just to remind you, Margaret is a receptionist and a lover of the countryside, and if you ever see a horse looking particularly handsome because of its rider, and the location is Sussex, then it could be Margaret out for a gallop over the Downs.
Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971
Is what better?
The telly, silly. Is the picture better?
The young man said that as far as he was concerned the television was entirely non-existent, since he had never believed that any inanimate man-made object, no matter how many dials and wires it had, could be regarded as real when compared with that which was a gift of nature.
SARA STUART, Ayrshire girl, thought he was trying to give a lecture on social welfare. Beautiful but by no means vain, Sara had no idea just how much better she looked than the television set.
The young man, quite earnestly absorbed in his subject, went on about tramcars and monuments, lucidly dissecting the argument that these things can be looked at with sympathy and admiration, and emphasising his own argument about things that really mattered.
At the end of it all Sara, a secretary with a liking for classical music, said she supposed that what he meant was that he wasn't bothered about the television programme.
"Oh good," said the young man, "you've caught on. How about coming out to dinner with me?'
"I was beginning to think,' said Sara,' that you'd never ask.'
Beautiful Britons No 181 - 1970
Life is full of intriguing little surprises.
When we found SAMANTHA BROWN she herself was a delicious surprise, because we were actually looking for a surplus beer barrel in a coopers' yard. We wanted to go over Niagara Falls in it and get our name in the North American papers. Anyway, we couldn't find one comfortable enough, so we gave up and bumped into this delicious surprise, who turned out to be a lovely Hampshire girl.
Samantha provided the intriguing little surprise because we found out that as a pin-up girl, with a particular flair for modelling lingerie, she is also a part-time underwear representative. Yes indeed, what could be more appropriate than that?
Samantha is twenty-five, and a happy housewife with what her husband calls a divine talent for gardening.
Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971
Yes, anytime our popular RUTH CAVENDISH can make it down South from her Glasgow home, we'd be absolutely tickled.
Naturally, we'd return the compliment.
"No, don't," said Ruth, "I go mad when I'm tickled and then all terribly weak."
"Well, when I was a lovely schoolgirl," said Ruth, "that Bryan McGregor and that lan McCuddle - honestly."
"Honestly? What happened?"
"I had to bash them unconscious with my school satchel," said Ruth.
"Well, you can still come up and see us anytime, but leave your satchel behind."
Span No 243 - November 1974
A new and extremely charming pin-up girl we have just discovered is GRETA BERRY.
Here are just a couple of pics of Greta as a kind of introductory tableau that will put you in the mood for more, unless you've gore off beauty and taken up wallpapering.
If you've got more sense than to do anything as stupid as exchanging true joy for sticky wallpaper, then look out in future issues for features on Greta, and we guarantee you'll love her.
Beautiful Britons No 184 - March 1971