It was a rainy day, so PAULINE GOUGH thought she'd call Freddie and find out whether he'd like to come over and play chess. "What's his number?" She looked it up.
It took quite a while. There were hundreds of Freddie Browns. She got through in the end. "Hello, is that Freddie?"
"Speaking. Who's that?"
"Pauline. Would you like to come over for some chess?”
"Eh? What?"
"Chess," said Pauline, "well, what with the rain and all.”
"Look, I'm a weightlifting champion, I'll come over if you've got some bars of iron you want shifting."
“I think you're the wrong Freddie," said Pauline.
"Well, I'll come round and then you can decide. What's your address, you gorgeous girl?"
Pauline hastily put the phone down. She's been off weightlifters ever since one trod on her foot.
Spick No 272 - July 1976