Ken Rush Glamour Collection

Sassy Minx

Another two pictures from our Sassy Minx. I can’t keep my eyes off that electrical cable, though, running between her legs, and it looks like it’s even been repaired with some insulation tape. 1970s-style health and safety.

Ken Rush Glamour Collection

Sassy Minx

Short black skirt, white fishnet stockings, and white boots. Where is the party?

Discovered Slides - Set 2

Mystery Model

These slides are very ToCo-like, showing an unnamed model putting on her stockings and later revealing what's under her skirt. Personally, I've never been a fan of white stockings. Again, I would guess these are from the 1980s.

Discovered Slides - Set 1

Mystery Model

These three pictures come from a mixed selection of colour slides that I recently discovered. I have no idea where they came from or their age, but I suspect the 1980s, just because of the hairstyles and settings. Most are not suitable to be shown here. However, I do have another couple of sets that are suitable and will appear later this month. They're just a bit different and possibly not been shown anywhere else. What I like about them is that they are all very amateur, taken by budding photographers, boyfriends, or husbands, poorly posed in home situations, with a lot of fun being had during and after the taking.

These first three pictures show a young woman posing for the camera in her underwear. She has really small breasts, but what's interesting is that her nipples are pierced. That's not uncommon nowadays, but 40-plus years ago it was more unusual, I'm sure, but she just doesn’t look the type to me. There are a few more pictures of her that are more revealing, and they are actually all in colour, so never judge a book by its cover.

They are all up for sale on eBay, but a few of the sets have already been removed, and I am not sure why, so they will appear on the Brazen sales site.

Delta Pictures - Magazines

Delta Pictures

Many thanks again to TocoFan for his comments on the Delta Pictures post. The girl featured in the Parisiennes book is we think Maria Montez, who had a couple of ToCo appearances in Spick No. 237 and Beautiful Britons No. 217. The other girl featured with Maria in the scan that TocoFan sent in is Helena McGuire, who was seen just once in Spick and Span Extra No. 50. These sets and pictures tie in nicely with TocoFan’s comments, as all those pictures appeared in magazines published in late 1973 and early 1974.

The gallery shows the scanned images sent in by TocoFan, along with pictures from The Parisiennes book and the photos used in the ToCo book sets featuring Helena and Maria. Judge for yourselves.

I do find it hard to believe that nobody has any more information on these Delta books, which are quite nice. Surely, someone must have collected them and know a little more about them or the publisher. Contact me privately if you don’t want to leave a comment. It is just nice to keep all this information up to date.

Check Maria's and Helena’s tags below to see the original ToCo sets.

Delta Magazines Information Required.

Sandra Sonning

Dolly Bird

Dolly birds come in all colours and some wear feathers too. SANDRA SONNING lights up as a vivacious redhead, and with or without feathers comes under the category of what someone's grandfather calls a "corking eyeful of Chelsea architecture M to Z." Sandra is nineteen, works full-time as a secretary and part-time as a model.

Span No 186 - February 1970

Vintage Stockings Archive

Strip Poker

Another random picture from the internet, and I have no idea of its origins, but I like it. Five girls are playing what I guess is supposed to be strip poker. When looking at pictures, I often try to think about the moment the picture was taken, and this one must have been quite a lot of fun, I am sure. If anybody knows more about it, then it would be good to hear from you directly or via a quick comment.

Mystery Model - Private Collection


I'm not sure if that's a name or a possible location, but that's all I have. Very pretty girl, with great legs exposed in those fantastic white stockings.

Pauline Gough

What's His Number?

It was a rainy day, so PAULINE GOUGH thought she'd call Freddie and find out whether he'd like to come over and play chess. "What's his number?" She looked it up.

It took quite a while. There were hundreds of Freddie Browns. She got through in the end. "Hello, is that Freddie?"

"Speaking. Who's that?"

"Pauline. Would you like to come over for some chess?”

"Eh? What?"

"Chess," said Pauline, "well, what with the rain and all.”

"Look, I'm a weightlifting champion, I'll come over if you've got some bars of iron you want shifting."

“I think you're the wrong Freddie," said Pauline.

"Well, I'll come round and then you can decide. What's your address, you gorgeous girl?"

Pauline hastily put the phone down. She's been off weightlifters ever since one trod on her foot.

Spick No 272 - July 1976

Ingrid Stengert

Berlin Swinger

Swinging it very vivaciously in West Berlin is INGRID STENGERT, who has in the last year or so landed herself some highly exciting film parts. Not so long ago she was still knocking on the casting door, more in hope than expectation. Then it all happened at once and now she's starring in one Continental epic after another, and taking her clothes off in most of them because that's how Continental epics are these days.

Here she is doing some exuberant pirouettes after capturing the starring part in a story based on twin sisters who fall in love with the same man. Ingrid plays both sisters. What a lovely double act.

Beautiful Britons No 232 - March 1975

Renate Dittmann

Don’t Get Shirty

It's no good rushing up and down the stairs and shouting your head off when you find your sister, or your wife has nicked your best shirt and is wearing it at the Festival of Flowers.

Women, especially sisters and wives, don't respond at all these days to men getting noisily shirty. Gone are the times when the little woman or the doting sister flinched and cowered at the mere sound of the brute. Lay a hand on your sister these days and you'll likely end up looking like the well-worn end of a Chinese puzzle. Put the lightest finger on your wife and you could find yourself scarred for life. Someone's been teaching them to fight back.

The boyfriend of RENATE DITTMAN is wise enough to know that whenever Renate borrows any shirt of his it's better for him to laugh it off. "My goodness," gasped Renate, "where's that shirt I was wearing?" “ I laughed it off," says he.

"Oh, clever stuff, hein?" says Renate, and punches him in the eye.