Susanne Ferrier

Dolly Bird From Scotland

They're with it in Scotland, you know. In their kilts they've been swinging since Bonnie Prince Charlie. London has only recently caught up.

Shorthand-typist SUSANNE FERRIER is as eye-catching a dolly bird as any in the King's Road. She lives in a Glasgow suburb and commutes daily to and from the city centre.

She's a keen swimmer and is naturally a swinger when it comes to dancing at the Glasgow discotheques.

She confesses she loves conversation. That's a bit different from so many who adore the goggle-box.

What a lovely evening you could spend chatting her up. Susanne's vitalistics are 36-22-37.

Seen around the home, Susanne makes just the kind of leggy picture that's getting lamentably scarcer. The fashion fanatics don't know what they're doing to us with their stretch tights.

Beautiful Britons No 174 - May 1970