Judie Jayson

Frilly Feeling

There's such a minimum amount of lingerie worn by girls these days that lots of manufacturers who are in it for the money are getting worried almost to death. The lot of a pauper is not a happy one in any era.

There's а great yearning among the lingerie-makers for the days when a girl wasn't ready to slip her dress on unless she was wearing at least six petticoats. In Grandpa Bertie's family album there's a sepia-tinted picture of Grandma Emma riding a penny-farthing at Eastbourne, and in the pic Grandma Emma looks a riot of billowing lace. It must have cost Grandpa Bertie a fortune to fit her out, especially when they were at Eastbourne.

Anyway, the frilly feeling is something the girls will want to experience again at some time in the future. Here's JUDIE JAYSON looking abundantly frilly and if she makes some of you come all over nostalgic you must be well past twenty and a Beatles fan.

Whatever happened to that lot?

Span No 207 - November 1971