Linda Nash

Nice For The Visitors

Visitors' days at hospitals are designed to bring cheer and comfort to you, the patient. It's when your loved ones bring you juicy grapes and lots of light chat about your operation.

You wish they'd go away. Operations are interesting to visitors but unspeakable to you while you've still got the stitches in.

At the hospital in Portsmouth where lovely LINDA NASH is a receptionist, it's real nice for the male visitors. One look at Linda and they wouldn't mind staying for an operation themselves.

This auburn-haired dolly is a perfect example of how to make any visitor's first impressions of a hospital look like a picturesque home from home. She's twenty-three and a very keen amateur photographer. It goes without saying that she's even better in front of a camera than she is behind it.

Span No 205 - September 1971