Who Needs A Computer?
/Adria and Jenny
Those inimitable and ubiquitous Bunny Girls are to be seen around all the best exhibitions in town. We bumped very happily into ADRIA and JENNY at Olympia, London, where they were adorning the Randax Modular Accounting Plan, which is a fully comprehensive computer-based accountancy system without which no organisation of any consequence should be without.
Actually, we'd rather have a computerised lawnmower that we could work from a garden hammock, and we wouldn't ask for anything else except convivial summer nectar served up by Adria and Jenny.
"What," asked Adria, the one on the left, "is convivial summer nectar?"
"Ah, well," we said.
"Heavens," breathed Jenny, the one on the right, "you make it sound terribly exciting."
"Come round and pour out for us anytime you like," we said.
Spick No 212 - July 1971