Going Forward

Blog Updates

For the past few years, I have been posting something every day. However, it has started to feel more like a chore rather than something I look forward to. In fact, there are now thousands of posts available in the archive for you to explore if you're interested.

Therefore, I have made the decision to start posting every other day. This will allow me to have time to pursue other avenues and make improvements here, which I will enjoy doing. It will also hopefully give me more time to showcase some original work, rather than just regurgitating old ToCo sets. However, I promise I won't abandon the ToCo stuff.

Still Disappointed…

It is also really starting to grate on me that a lot of my posts are being quickly reposted on Facebook and Tumblr within hours. What is particularly hurtful is that they are being passed off as their own work with no credit or acknowledgement to this site whatsoever. I understand that the internet can feel like the wild west, where some people think everything is free or up for grabs. However, that is not the case. I have mentioned before that some of the images on this site are copyrighted to me or that I pay others for the right to use them.

To those who are stealing my images, you know who you are, and you will read this message, I would like to ask you again to stop this behaviour. At the very minimum, please contact me first, ask for permission, and then give proper credit and link back to the site or original post. Even better, I encourage you to put effort into producing something original yourself.

Vintage Fetish