Carol Smart

Come to a Gymslip

No one really likes having to grow up, and certainly no one wants to grow old, feeling the encroachment of age, stiffening joints and dulled senses, fading beauty. Someone who certainly doesn't need to worry about that is Carol Smart, a girl who just loves feeling young at heart. Her schoolgirl uniform may not fit very well anymore, but it's a first-class way of showing her still-young charms and much more. Lying in the grass on long summer afternoons without anything to worry about in the world, perhaps she reminisces and remembers her schooldays, young and innocent, discovering her way through life Carol likes funfairs, cream buns, country walks and candy floss, visits to the zoo except in London Zoo you're not allowed to feed the animals anymore. Isn't that unfair?"

It doesn't matter if people don't approve, she likes to feel young, and act young, doesn't see why she should have to go through the mannerisms of being mature, when half the time it's all a pretence people use when they're trying to look sophisticated and impress people. Why indeed? For our part, we're more than happy for Carol to laze around in her schoolgirl clothes as long as she likes. Provided she doesn't mind us looking on and sometimes giving a faint, wistful, reminiscent sigh.

Mustang No 4 - 1967