Carole Gaye

Who Was Meant For You?

“I didn't think anyone special was meant for me,” said Orace, “me being nothing special myself, I was just going to settle for Mavis.”

"But Mavis can't even cook," said Dilly.

"That's what I mean," said Orace, "I didn't think I was entitled to make stipulations. Me mother said Mavis would do fine, she said I never knew what I was eating, so what did it matter about whether me bride could cook or not?"

"Still," said Dilly, "you're not all that negative. Look how you fell off the bus that time without breaking your leg.

"True," said Orace, "I was only conked senseless. Anyway, then me Uncle Percival sent me a photograph of CAROLE GAYE. She's a pop singer, y'know."

"Smashing," said Dilly.

"Me Uncle Percival said think big, think ambitious. He said forget Mavis, some village idiot is bound to make her happy one day. So, I'm thinking real ambitious. I'm going to court Miss Gaye."

"You'll be lucky," said Dilly, "she's got a six-foot boyfriend."

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968