Elmer Batters and More

Great Collection

Recently I was lucky enough to acquire a collection of magazines, prints and negatives from a private collector who had been amassing his horde of Elmer Batters and the like for many years.

As far as I am concerned, it is one of the nicest collections I have ever purchased.

Hundreds of American magazines from the 1950’s and 60’s all in excellent condition. Hundreds of original 8x10 prints and 1000’s of negatives to be catalogued. Some of them rare and extremely hard to find, and I am certainly enjoying sorting through it all.

It will take me time to catalogue, sort and decide how best to deal with it all. But be assured, most of the magazines will be scanned for us to enjoy before they are sold on to collectors and possibly disappear for many more years.

I will be digitising some of the negatives and prints, which I will post in the blog but ultimately, they too will be sold. Help with naming models is always appreciated.

They will be on sale here on site and on eBay - I have added a new link for all eBay sales. I will regularly update the new items blog, making it easy for you to recognise what has been newly added.

So, I think we all have a lot to look forward to, but it won’t be an overnight process; it will take months to do. I will have years of pictures for posts and who knows what for the future!

BrazenBooks Update

BrazenBooks will be getting eBooks in time, and I have some exceptional books currently being digitised. These will slowly be prepared for sale and made available for download. I will post an update here when they become available.

The future looks bright!