Cleo Simmons

No Hiding Place

There was all this flowery fauna and flora around, but there still wasn't enough to conceal CLEO SIMMONS when the fox hunters came galloping by just at the moment when Cleo was going to sunbathe. She could have dived for cover into the ferns, but that would have been too ticklish, so there she was, and all the masculine riders were yelling "Tally-Ho, Cleo!" and all the feminine ones were yelling "No, this way, you fools." It was the afternoon the fox got away and the masculine huntsmen all got beaten over the bonce by the feminine ones.

Spick No 186 - May 1969

Cleo Simmons

Pop Fan

Girl who can't resist all the joys of listening to pop groups is CLEO SIMMONS. She's an undeviating fan of the Beatles and had a terrible week when George Harrison got married.

Beautiful Britons - No 137 April 1967