Heidi Sepan

Welcome Visitor

Over here from West Germany is HEIDI SEPAN.

She's getting on famously, she's bought herself some genuine London mini-skirts, but her seamed nylons are German. London dollies rarely wear seams now, either in tights or stockings, but Heidi has a yen for them.

Like everything else which is different, a seamed stocking makes the fellers look, especially when topped by a brief mini-skirt. All the girls thought seams had gone out for ever, but once they saw Heidi walking in her mini and her seams in the King's Road, Chelsea, they began to wonder if they weren't missing out an old fashion that was a new craze.

Our welcome visitor from West Germany knows a wrinkle or two when it comes to catching the eye in a mini-skirt and a slinky pair of nylons. She's dishy.

Span No 178 - June 1969

Heidi Sepan

Calling Heidi

In her London flat, HEIDI SEPAN was waiting for a phone call from her home town in West Germany.

Well, tinkle tinkle went the phone and when Heidi picked it up it was the man from the dry cleaners. He was on about a coat that was all over coffee stains. Heidi didn’t know what he was talking about. She hadn’t left any coat at the dry cleaners and she hadn’t spilt coffee over anything in years. So, she threw him off the line and waited again.

At this particular time Heidi had been in London since last year. She’d been an au pair girl and a secretary and now she was waiting for her call from home.

Well, tinkle tinkle went the phone and when Heidi picked it up again, that talkative nut from the dry cleaners was there once more, begging her to come in and confer with him over the coffee stains.

It was most exasperating and when finally, Willi from home did get through all he could get out of Heidi was confused chatter about a dry-cleaning man who didn’t know what to do with a coffee-stained coat.

It left Willi feeling that Heidi was getting as eccentric as the English. Actually, Heidi is very sweet and not a bit eccentric.

Beautiful Britons No 163 - June 69