Jacqueline Blair

The Question Is

With so many facets to fashion, the question is should a girl go for boots or frills or Long Johns?

Secretary JACQUELINE BLAIR thought it might solve something if she went for all three but found out immediately that Long Johns simply don't go with a mini.

Boots go with a mini and so does a straw hat on a sunny day, and frills go with anything. But Long Johns are for warmth and comfort, not for viewing, So Jackie bought a maxi and everything was as it should be. Except that the maxi hid the boots and frills as well and she had to acquire the cutest straw hat she could find and wait for a sunny day.

Jacqueline Blair


It's not that JACOUELINE BLAIR has been strictly trained in the matter of polishing and dusting. It's just that when mother went out to do the weekend shopping she said to Jackie, "Do my housework while I'm out, darling, and you can borrow the car tomorrow."

Jackie doesn't mind being the victim of bribery when the end product is as high on her list as that, so she didn't waste time getting into an argument, she just grabbed mop, duster, cleaner and broom.

Naturally, if a girl can sit around and manage a mop at the same time, why not? There's always the easier way of doing a domestic chore. As long as the results satisfy houseproud mum, it hardly matters.

Beautiful Britons No 144 - November 1967

Jacqueline Blair

Hard Day's Work

When a girl has her usual job to do, like plugging away at her typewriter from 9 to 5, it makes a hard day of it to have the household chores thrown in as well, especially when, like JACQUELINE BLAIR, you're really dressed for a brisk, invigorating walk, in the countryside with a sweet little doggie or a fascinating P.T. instructor.

By the time you've come to terms with the cleaner and cooked yourself a quick souffle, its time, to retire in your shortie nightie. Never mind, Jackie, after a hard day's work you still look gorgeous.

Beautiful Britons No 110 - December 1964

Jacqueline Blair

Modelling The Line

The line is long, but it's mod and it's swinging or so they say. Modelling it is beautiful JACQUELINE BLAIR, shorthand-typist, a great trad jazz fan and, hold it, chaps, hockey captain during her rousing schooldays. Jackie is twenty and last year won two Scottish beauty competitions.

Spick No 128 - July 1964

Jacqueline Blair

Wherever You Are

You may be in Tahiti, you may be in Sing-Sing—no matter, men. Relax. Ease your mind of any question as to who the nicest hockey captain in her school was. It was JACQUELINE BLAIR herself. She’s twenty now and still an open-air girl.

Beautiful Britons No 105 - July 1964

Gail Redfern (Jacqueline Blair)

Don't Lark About

That was what the anxious photographer said to receptionist GAIL REDFERN as she gambolled about instead of standing still. He was anxious to take some classic shots that would knock editors sideways.

But Gail felt all lively, like. She hitched up her skirts and swung on trees. He had an awful job to keep up with her. He had to swing on trees himself. And he knocked us sideways with the results.

If they do the same to you.

Take an aspirin.

Jackie Blair

Game Girl

Very game girl is JACKIE BLAIR. Tennis, hockey, netball—you name it and Jackie’s played it. She looks absolutely delightful on the other side of a tennis net, but don’t get your eye in the way of her backhand volley. She likes mixed hockey better then anything, it gives her a chance to trip up all the six-foot men.

Jacqueline Blair

Cover Girl

Vital statistics of a cover girl are 35"-23"-36", and the particular quality of a cover girl is just the natural one of projecting herself so decoratively that the eye cannot resist her. It all adds up to being as endearing to the optics as shorthand-typist JACQUELINE BLAIR. Steady as we go, we’ve come a long way without having actually fallen overboard once.