Kim Dale

Crazy Stockings

Should employers have any say in what a secretary should, or should not, wear ?

Definitely not, says delicious little Kim Dale firmly. Apparently, her boss objected to her wearing these stockings to the office.

They gave him a headache!

However, being a kindly man, he invited her back to his flat so that he could study the stockings. It might, he said, help him to get used to them.

All that's happened, murmurs Kim, is that he's more pop-eyed than ever! What about you?

QT No 86 - 1963


Schoolgirl Complexion

IT'S not Anna's face that's been her fortune-it's her slim, boyish figure. For a long while now, she's been modelling schoolgirl's wear. "I must," she smiles, "be the only 22 year-old schoolgirl in the modelling business". But now she's getting tired of being seen only in gym smocks and navy bloomers. She's thrown aside the hockey stick and emerged as a woman QT style. Our view? Stay behind after class, Anna!

QT No 91 - 1964