Eva Warsava

Polish Poppet

During the war, there was an awful ding-dong going on in France, and Stanislaw Warsava was right in the thick of it, serving with a Free Polish unit. Still, there were far lovelier things to come. Off-duty behind the lines one day he met the most entrancing Polish girl who had escaped her suffering country and made her way through France.

They came to England, married and settled down in Carlisle. They had a lovely daughter later on. Here she is.

EVA WARSAVA, born of her happy Polish parents, can't help being addicted to Britain. She's eighteen now and lives in digs in Streatham in south-west London. She came to London to take up an office job but found it too monotonous. It was all biff-bang on a typewriter. The bell kept pinging.

Then she met a photographer. He said, "You'll do, you're a living doll." Eva thought he was trying to make impetuous headway, but he was only trying to tell her she was a natural as a photographic glamour girl. In the end Eva took his advice and became a model.

Wasn't it lucky her father-to-be met her mother-to-be in France? If he hadn't, Eva might never have happened. It makes one go all weak at the thought.