Lavinia Grant

Lavinia Drops In

IT was a rainy day wet, too, as so often happens in this country and the daffodils hadn't yet started to bloom, and the man from the collecting office had already been round twice to ask for the rent. Then luscious-looking LAVINIA GRANT dropped in - actually, it was only to get out of the rain—and we said why not come into the parlour. So, she did and the next thing she knew there was a camera keeping her company at very close range.

Well, it's not often someone as bright as Lavinia drops in on a rainy day. so why not - we said - record the fact? So, we did

This might mean that Lavinia has met too many sailors or not enough airmen. Anyway, she slings her hammock in Kensington now and is shipshape at 37 - 22 - 38.