Lynda Farrell

Did You Go To Eton ?

When presented with the delightful picture that LYNDA FARRELL made in her lounge, our eyes were taken with her striped tie. Eton?

“No," said Lynda, "I didn’t go to Eton. It's a boys' school. Do I look like a boy?" We left her in no doubt that she didn’t but suggested she might at least have gone to Eton to look over the wall. "What for?" asked Lynda.

We couldn’t think of an answer to that one so pulled our hat down over our ears to take her mind off our gormlessness.

“You look better like that." said Lynda, “and if you must know I wear my tie to show I'm a career girl. I’m going to study astrology.”

Naturally, we were all agog at that and asked why.

"So that I can make you see stars,” said Lynda and pushed our hat farther over our ears by hitting it with the telephone.

Realising that people who ask silly questions are bound to get conked, we left with a ringing in our brainbox and a conviction that lovely girls can't half make an impact.

Especially on one's hat.