Angeline Dunmore

Sultry Look

Giving us the full benefit of that sultry look is ANGELINE DUNMORE. To look at Angeline you'd probably think she's the kind of sophisticated beauty who lounges around all day merely looking glamorous for the camera.

We exclude the smart guys who live by the maxim that nothing's so deceptive as looks.

In actual fact, Angeline's a busy housewife and mother, and prefers the kitchen to the studio.

It so happens that both Angeline and her hubby like to eat.

Thirsty consumers of highballs sometimes consider eating a mere chore between drinks, but not Angeline.

Cooking itself may be a chore, but not the end product. What could be more appetising than ravioli served a la oomph by a housewife more appealing than the dish itself?

Span Extra No 10 - Summer 1960