Rossy Rittau


What can one say about a girl who wears such lovely boots?

One can say here is a girl all set for a long walk, at which a man at the back will voice the feelings of all by loudly proclaiming his disbelief. The following conversation will then ensue.

“What was that you said, sir?”

“I said girls in high boots don't wear them for walking, they wear them as an adornment not as a piece of equipment.”

"What we meant was that she looks as if she could manage a long walk.”

“Oh, that’s your game, is it? Get a lovely girl like that to pull on a pair of leather boots and then send her off to walk to Liverpool. How dare you? Just send her home to me, we’re having muffins for tea this afternoon and we’d like her to join us.”


“Me and my dog.”

Having got over that by adroitly procrastinating, we ought to tell you the girl is ROSSY RITTAU. She’s so utterly enchanting that if she has a muffin tea with anybody it’s going to be us. The man at the back can sit down again.