Sally Dixon

Keeping The Wolf From The Door

Literally to achieve this a girl’s best bet is to have a gun handy, plus a strategically unassailable position from which to fire both barrels at the right time.

But when it merely means establishing yourself economically so that you’re not on the breadline, you don’t need a gun, only an income.

London student SALLY DIXON makes sure she can sufficiently augment her grant by taking on jobs of diver’s characters in her spare time. She doesn’t mind serving in coffee bars, being a nanny, showing tourists round London, pasting up posters, being a switchboard girl or even working as a photographic model.

It all helps to keep the wolf from the door.

I like to eat,” said Sally, ”I feel all faint if I don’t. My grant is enough to pay for my flat, but a girl needs food as well as sleep.”