Sally Dixon

Sextain To A Student

Isn't like Nixon
Because for a start
She's got a soft heart.
And in old London Town in her student gown
All of us feel.
She's got more appeal.

Spick No 190 - September 1969


Janus - Mixed Selection

Janus Volume 1 No 12

More familiar faces, but can you name them?

Sally Dixon

Academic Form

Girl getting down to her university studies with dedicated intensity is SALLY DIXON.

With a natural built-in talent for learning, Sally is a student certain to get her degree. Her academic form is the joy of all the professors, especially when Sally is sitting in the front row during their lectures. There's nothing any conscientious professor likes better than a dedicated student who makes the lecture hall look as if it’s filled with light and beauty.

To help pay for her studies Sally does some part-time modelling, and it's no secret to say that London photographers regard her in their viewfinders with just as much aesthetic pleasure as the professors view her in the front row of the lecture hall.

Some students are very learned types.

Sally is very learned and very dishy.

Blue-stockings are out.

Sally Dixon

Keeping The Wolf From The Door

Literally to achieve this a girl’s best bet is to have a gun handy, plus a strategically unassailable position from which to fire both barrels at the right time.

But when it merely means establishing yourself economically so that you’re not on the breadline, you don’t need a gun, only an income.

London student SALLY DIXON makes sure she can sufficiently augment her grant by taking on jobs of diver’s characters in her spare time. She doesn’t mind serving in coffee bars, being a nanny, showing tourists round London, pasting up posters, being a switchboard girl or even working as a photographic model.

It all helps to keep the wolf from the door.

I like to eat,” said Sally, ”I feel all faint if I don’t. My grant is enough to pay for my flat, but a girl needs food as well as sleep.”

Sally Dixon

Kitchen Chores

It's all right for some. Some have au pair girls to use a broom for them.

But SALLY DIXON, university student, has to do ail her own chores in her London fiat and one place she likes to keep spotless is her kitchen, she being a girl who spends a lot of time in it. She's a marvel at making up exotic dishes out of homely ingredients bought at the nearby Street market.

She's also a marvel at modelling in her spare leisure hours, so that she can occasionally buy her-self a luscious steak and cook it Chinese style. You eat it with Chinese crackers.