Jeannette Fry

Jeannette Fry

"Cor Blimey!" said Fred, who sweeps the floors. "Gosh! Wow!" cried William, the tea boy. "Good Lord!" muttered the inspector of taxes as he passed through the office. "You'll have to offer more than that if you want her phone number," our photographer sneered at a crowd outside waving £10 notes. Who, you ask, could inspire such a lot of exclamations? The answer is amazing, stunning, heart-melting, overwhelming. The answer is Jeannette Fry

At not much more than five feet high, she may be small in that respect. (We only just stopped ourselves from saying, small Fry ...) In other respects, you'll find she's not small at all. Which respects in particular? We suggest you use your imagination or try looking at our sensational pictures of Jeannette. That way, you really don't need too much imagination.

Jeannette says she's a genuine sort of person. She's not the kind who's always covering up, for a start. Come clean, is her motto. So that the world can see "the real me", as she puts it. That's the sort of motto we can understand. It's certainly better than the sort you get out of Christmas crackers.

Imagine Jeannette dropping out of a Christmas cracker, into your lap. Now, there's an idea. Although, it does have its disadvantages. For a start, it might happen that she'd drop into not your lap, but the lap of the person who you were pulling the cracker with. That would be unbearable. And, of course, you'd have to wait for Christmas, in any case.

We think Christmas is a bit too far away. So, we're showing you adorable Jeannette right here and now, no waiting. To judge from the comments of people in the office, seeing Jeannette is the sort of experience that anyone can appreciate-all the year round.

Mustang No 9 - 1969