Anne Duke

How To Keep Our Friends

How To Keep Our Friends

That's if we've got any friends. Some reader wrote us the most unfriendly letter, so we're not sure if anybody loves us at the moment. Still, there was one awfully decent bloke who wrote us about ANNE DUKE and said what a divine creature she was and that he'd love us for ever if we'd only feature her more and more and more. Naturally, if we've got one friend, we'd like to keep him. Anne was very cordial about it all and said she’s tickled to death to be photographed again. No, no, we said, the pleasure will be all ours. After all, let's face it. Anyone on the viewing end of the camera and getting those long, lovely legs in focus can hardly be said to be suffering. You know Anne is a Welsh beauty queen, of course? If you don't, that means you only look at the pictures and don't read the print. Try and persevere. The print isn't as scintillating as the pictures, but it's more educational.

Letter of the Month

Please can we have a little more variety? I don't mean I want to see photographs of shrimp boats or cattle markets, I mean I want you to range far and wide and bring us glamorous pictures of glamorous beauties from everywhere. When do you ever feature Chinese girls? Never. When have you ever featured Indian girls? Never. Have you ever found us a beautiful young thing from Indonesia? No. The Indonesian girls are particularly lovely. I should know. I've been there. Have you been there? You can't have or you'd know what we're missing. I don't think you try hard enough. I think you just sit around and take what comes. I think you're going off, in fact. I can see all the mini-skirted London dollies I like, I live there, and so do thousands of other readers. Shake yourself, please. You can do it. You've only got to start working.

D. B. FRANCIS - Kennington, S.E.11.

What about Mongolian dollies? Just say the word and we'll flip off there and probably never come back. So there.

Spick No 176 - July 1968