Petra Germaine

What's Keeping You?

Apart from the fact that PETRA GERMAINE is all tied up with domestic cable and can't join the girl next door for elevenses until she's sorted herself out, the only other knotty problem she's got concerns her return to West Germany.

It's like this, you see. Petra came to London for a short visit last year, just to see what it was all about and whether the Changing of the Guard really was full of redcoats.

It isn't recorded whether Petra was as much impressed with the Guard as the Guard was impressed with Petra, and if every member of the Guard came to a halt on the wrong foot and the front rank cannoned into the Guard Commander, that could merely have been an epoch-making clanger completely divorced from the presence of Petra.

All we know is that Petra is still around and that all her boy friends in West Germany are sending her postcards asking, "What's keeping you?" It isn't the Changing of the Guard, but it could be a handsome Guardsman. Petra is nineteen, by the way, and measures 36"-23"-36".