Louise Grayson

Life Is What You Make It

Women appear on TV and are heard on radio complaining that it's a man's world. “Why,” they ask, “can't we drive dustcarts, collect garbage, mine coal, man the fishing trawlers, look after lighthouses and be bricklayers? Why must men hog all these lovely jobs, the swine’s?” Dunno. Men are like that, the swine’s.

But LOUISE GRAYSON is a happy enough housewife. Life, to Louise, is what you make it. If you want to make it a life of complaining, that's up to you, but you won’t get much out of it.

“Anyone,” says Louise, “can sit at home and wish herself surf-riding in Honolulu" says Louise,

Honolulu is lovely for surf-riding, of course, but who wants all that water and no green parks?"

Beautiful Britons No 154 - September 1968