Jennifer Taylor

Just Be Natural

If we can keep the scientific marvels from turning the grass black and making all the trees look exactly the same tall rectangles of wood with leaves eliminated, then the great outdoors will always look decently natural as long as there's no concrete around.

If you're not busy doing something else, look at JENNIFER TAYLOR now. Jennifer is just as naturally herself as you could wish. She's a natural as a housewife and a natural as a lovely. Long shining dark brown hair and the most delightfully abundant curvaceousness.

Jennifer lives in Bristol and around Bristol there is some of the loveliest country in Britain. So far, it's still lovely. So far, the scientific marvels haven't changed the shape of the trees. But if they ever do imagine what they might devise in the way of a new shape for natural wonders like Jennifer. Something oblong, perhaps.

What a shuddering thought.

Span No 207 - November 1971