Angela Frank

Studious Fraulein

West Germany is noted for its fair-haired frauleins, and any Briton who goes there just for the beer is exercising a very limited imagination.

True, dedicated beer drinkers don't profess to be highly imaginative in their solid art of bar quaffing, and in the opinion of many it only spoils the taste of the beer.

However, outside the beer halls of West Germany imaginative life does go on. Particularly around the universities. One West German student we're absolutely tickled to know is ANGELA FRANK. This is Angela.

Angela is eighteen, wears mini-skirts, midi-coats and lace-up boots, but for all her up-to-date gear she's no follower of any tearaway cult, she's a very serious student.

Like to take her out for a German beer sometime, would you?

So would we.