Anita St George

Anthropology Must Have Charm

University student ANITA ST.GEORGE has brains as well as beauty. Since it isn't difficult for us to show you just how beautiful she is, it's only fair to give you a written description of her brains. Otherwise, she'll think - and so will you - that we only care about her looks.

Anita has the keenest brains you could wish for in any girl. She passed her entrance exams standing on her head, as it were. And just to convince you we're not fooling; we must point out that at university Anita's main subject is anthropology.

Anthropology, of course, is the scientific study of homo sapiens. All a of us. A more involved and a more difficult subject than the human race has still to be invented.

It's always sounded like something only Freud could find truly fascinating, but it must have charm to fascinate a girl like Anita. We've sent her an extremely well written note asking her to come up and study us over a pot of China tea. Her conclusions may be somewhat shattering but it's one way of enjoying her company and appreciating her intellect.

Spick No 210 - May 1971