Ann Williams

Ann Williams

You can have white elephants, old bus tickets, a blown tile off Admiralty House and even a feather off an Ascot hat. But you can only have your own face, you can’t have someone else's. If your eyes are bloodshot, you’re stuck with them, it’s no good wishing you had beautifully clear blue orbs like ANN WILLIAMS has. Ann is Ann and you are you, and Ann is a cute, pretty picture on all counts and you’re not.

If you’re prepared to face facts, there’s always a chance for you. Speaking of chances, when Ann can get her skirt unhooked and rush off to an audition it’s possible one more vocal star will hit the pop charts. Ann has been singing since she was two and is already making a name for herself. Look out for this lovely little lady. We’re certain you’ll hear more of her.

And what you’ll hear will sound as nice on your ear as Ann herself is easy on your eye. Her statistics are 35"-22"-36" and as you can see, she has legs shapely enough to win the title of Miss Trim- Limbs.

Ann Williams

On a Highland Fling

Young and golden secretary ANN WILLIAMS was on a Highland fling, staying in a cottage with a view of a wide, green glen.

She was getting lots of fresh air and making friends with Highland steers. There was one called Angus. Solid as a house he was and as gentle as a baby calf as long as you didn't ride a motorbike all over his pasture. Ann wanted to take him home with her.

So she rang her mother. Her mother said well, you'll have to keep him in the garden, they couldn't possibly have him indoors. So she went out and measured the garden and Ann went out and measured Angus.

Then they returned to the phone and compared measurements and found that Angus was twice as big as the garden.

So Ann brought home a mini-kilt instead.

Ann Williams

Pop Singer

Petite ANN WILLIAMS it only 5' 3” but every inch is brimming full of talent for Ann is a pop singer all set to make herself easy on the ear of every disc fan. Ann knew what she wanted to be when she was only two, for at that age she was singing to customers in shops, where her mother sat her on the counter while she searched for pink hair ribbon— or should we say pink ribbon for fair hair?