Debbie Winters

Dizzy Dream

Dreams can be confusing, especially if you've gone to bed on a hot supper of toasted cheese and sauerkraut.

Little men looking like hungry demons from outer space chase you through steamy woods to the edges of fearsome gorges. You do a swallow dive and in slow motion execute a graceful descent to the angry torrential waters below. The waters close over you, embracing you like cold cocoa, and it all gets more and more confusing as you find yourself sitting on a rock sharing a bar of milk chocolate with a freshwater mermaid.

Dreams can also be dizzy. You don't need to have eaten anything, or even have gone to bed. Dizzy dreams can overtake you in the street.

Ones like DEBBIE WINTERS are particularly pulverising. You're transported into a world where you're a Greek hero and she's a fair maiden with classical statistics actually 37"-23" 36" and she's standing by with bated breath as you fight heroic battles with one-eyed Gorgons on her behalf.

When you come to your dizzy dream has gone into the chemist's shop to buy some toothpaste. Debbie likes minty toothpaste. What do you like? Don't answer that.

Spick No 179 - October 1968