Jenifer and Gaynor Goodman

A Sister To Assist Her

Cute, winsome and Welsh are sisters JENNIFER GOODMAN and GAYNOR GOODMAN. Jennifer is the beautiful brunette, Gaynor the attractive blonde, and this was the day when Jennifer heard suspicious noises in her room—where Gaynor was surreptitiously borrowing some of her sister’s black lingerie. Gaynor, hearing Jennifer haring up the stairs, hadn’t time to put the garment back and adopted the old and tried course of looking sweetly innocent. This is a look which comes easily to both blondes and brunettes. And also to redheads, for that matter.

"Pardon me,” said Jennifer, pulling hard, "but these are mine.”

"Yes, I know,” said Gaynor, “but do let me borrow them, Sis.” “Not likely,” said Jennifer, “so kindly let go.”

So Gaynor did. Suddenly like. That did it. Over they both went.

“At least,” said Jennifer, “you might have asked me first.”

“But if 1 had," said Gaynor, “you’d have said no.” “At least,” said Jennifer, “I wouldn’t have felt as ruffled as I do now.”

Both girls have common likes music, modelling and men but Jennifer just won’t share her black lingerie!