Jackie West


Is anyone fully cognisant of exactly how we're all going to be rich and prosperous when we finally get into the Common Market? The politicians are certain it's going to lift us out of our slough of economic despond, and if you can think of any reason to doubt politicians keep it to yourself. Meantime we wonder if we'd get in any sooner if we sent JACKIE WEST to see mon general. Mon general is the gentleman impervious to all the Anglo-Saxons he's met up to now. Could he really say "Non, non," to Jackie?

Span No 163 - March 1968

Jackie West


When lovely Reading girl JACKIE WEST got married, she thought it was going to be all kitchens, sinks and hot ovens. Being utterly in love she thought she'd take the rough with the smooth, like, but after being carried over the threshold and put into the best armchair she heard him say,

"Now you just stay there while I put the kettle on.”

What a prize feller. Jackie felt unchained at once. The fact is hubby is very mod and likes being in the kitchen as much as she does.

Who wouldn't, with Jackie there?

Spick and Span Extra No 52 - Autumn 1974

Jackie West

Any One For Karate?

Lots of girls go in for cooking and needlework. A few more go in for ski-ing and a very exclusive minority go in for piloting planes. Most men don't like girls to go in for anything that will distract them from eventually becoming beautiful and domesticated.

Look out for JACKIE WEST.

This lovely young lady is beautiful and domesticated all right, but one of her ambitions is to become a karate expert.

She's taking lessons right now.

Who’s she after? Nobody in particular. She just wants to work up to the thrilling stage of crumbling a brick wall with a dexterous swipe of her index finger.

All this emancipation of women is fine enough in some respects, but if it’s eventually going to mean they’ll be able to sling us over the garden fence with a mere twitch of the wrist, someone ought to stop it before it gets out of hand.

Spick No 172 - March 68

Jackie West


Adorably feminine is JACKIE WEST of Swindon and a firm believer in the principle that mini-wear is basically designed to bring to the viewer the eye-catching quality of the feminine leg. and anyone who objects is a fuddy-duddy.