Jennie Piece

Secretary Bird

Lovely and chirpy, glamorously blonde and deliciously vital is Secretary JENNIE PIECE, who has just moved from the quiet of a Gloucestershire village into a more urbanised area somewhere in Surrey.

Naturally, all the vital male types down this way were more than interested to know about the movements of this dishy bird or dolly bird or whatever. Jennie is certainly way up on the charts when it comes to qualifying as a secretary bird, which is about the highest you can rate in the eyes of all those who decide if a girl can be classed as a bird at all. You gotta be really dishy or you don't get classed nohow. You just remain a girl.

It can't half be mortifying.

But not for Jennie. She's a top-rated Secretary bird, and any man-about-town would consider it a privilege to have her put an arrow through his hat.

Jenny Piece

Smitten By A Sec

Fred was just holding a horse while Joe went to fetch a saddle when JENNY PIECE of Worcester came through the gate. Fred felt as if he'd been struck by lightning, and if he hadn't been holding onto the horse he'd have fallen down.

Jenny, a secretary, was wearing polished boots, brief mini and a devastatingly floppy hat. She asked Fred if he had a spare horse around.

"Believe me," said Fred hoarsely, "you only need to ask, and you can have the whole string.” "What are you all flushed about?" asked Jenny, looking traumatically bewitching under her hat. "It's not hot, is it?"

"Don't let's talk about me,' said Fred faintly, "let's find you a spare horse and then we can have a long chat about your phone number. Of course, if you're going riding, I'll come with you, I'll just fade away if I don't."

"No, I'm not going riding," said Jenny, "I just happen to have a lump of sugar and if you've got a spare horse that's not doing anything can i feed him.' So, she did, but the place has never been the same for Fred since she left.

Span No 176 - April 1969