Penny Price

What Price Penny ?

The answer isn’t peanuts. It’s more a matter of corn if you consider the title alone. The fact is, this sweet young thing’s name is PENNY PRICE, and we thought there was a gag in that somewhere. But corn and gags apart, Penny is going places in show biz.

To start with, the girl has a background. She used to work in a circus, starting off by flying around on a trapeze. A succession of falls helped her to develop the art of bouncing, and she does it better than a Yo-Yo.

Incidentally, Penny left the circus because they put her into the strong man’s act. The strong man wanted to fire her from a cannon and catch her before she landed. But Penny, a slim young lady at 36"- 22"- 34", thought she might slip through his fingers. Well, there are easier ways of saving money to etcetera, etcetera.