Tina Ryatt

Cute Kitten

New to you and to us lovely TINA RYATT of Flintshire.

Only who is cuter. TINA RYATT herself or Tina's little kitty-kat? There's a little hint of mischief in the eyes of both, don't you think?

Tina, a beauty queen is eighteen with statistics of 36"-23"-36". We don't know kitty-kat's statistics at all, but her framework is undeniably cuddly.

Nevertheless, lovable as kitty-kat is, it's our considered opinion that the cuter of these two kittens is Tina, even if kitty-kat as got long whiskers.

Span No 102 - May 1962

Tina Ryatt


Beauty queen and film starlet is TINA RYATT, Welsh girl and just about as easy on the eye as a mink coat.

You can have your ton-up bikes, your first-night tickets, your new cooker, your fragile stomach.

Give us a mink coat.

If you could arrange for Tina to be wrapped up in it we’d be all over indescribable gratitude.

Tina Ryatt

Getting Down to It

Gorgeous girl with the sweeper is beauty queen TINA RYATT.

 Cute in her waisted petticoat, Tina isn’t just an ornament around the house she’ll take a hand with the chores any­time. Here on the right, for instance, she’s really getting down to it al­though we can’t think why she’s looking so surprised unless she can hear the patter of hobnailed feet up the chimney.

 We were wrong there. Tina was merely losing her balance. Well, that’s prefer­able to losing your head, as Charles I found out, for you can always do some­thing about a bruise. But once you’ve lost your head, what’ve you got left?

Tina is a Flintshire girl, with statistics of 36-23-36, is eighteen and has night black hair and big brown eyes.