Amanda Jansen

Roadside Review

It was a lovely day, and even lovelier when Chumley pulled up beside the ravishing blonde.

"Ah, having a review of the works, what?” he said.

"I've already done that.” said AMANDA JANSEN, "and now I'm looking for the whatsisname to prop the car up."

"Got a flat, eh?" said Chumley.

"I beg your pardon?" said Amanda, who was proud of her 36-23-36 framework.

"Flat tyre." said Chumley.

"I hope you’re not going to get all mechanical.” said Amanda, ”I just thought I’d prop the whole thing up and then see what happens."

"Good idea,” said Chumley.

"Well, aren't you going to help me? Are you going to just sit there and look?” said Amanda.

"Sitting here and just looking,” said Chumley. "is my idea of a really lovely day.”

"You saucy devil," said Amanda and conked him with the whatsisname.

Amanda is a London model and you can see her swinging around the place and bringing stars to the eyes of high-powered diplomats carrying brief cases.