Toni Townsend

Gilding The Gingerbread

Advertising assistant TONI TOWNSEND is, of course, the girl we’d most like to get immersed in a marketing survey on a desert island with. If that sounds all mixed-up and disjointed, put it down to our natural aptitude for getting a buzz in our ears when confronted by an absolutely corking mini-dress. Toni is twenty-two, she designs and makes all her own clothes. We can’t help it, we still get the buzz. In fact, if she designs even lovelier outfits the buzz will turn into a roaring noise. A roaring noise is something that makes you fall off the top of a tall building. Your only hope is to bounce like a bad cheque and land in the lap of a ravishing advertising assistant.

Toni, by the way, is a Bournemouth girl, so if you're fond of the seaside trot down there on a summer’s day and you might find Toni in a bikini of her own design. We strictly feel that Toni is fundamentally eye-catching in any outfit. In outfits which bear the mark of her own inspiration she is gilding the gingerbread. Gilded gingerbread is too good to be true, but not in this case.