Nicola Taylor

Latest On The Loveliest

Men walk around in dizzy circles when they see NICOLA TAYLOR in her yellow bikini on Bournemouth beach. This isn't just because there is so much more of glamorous Nicola than there is of the bikini, it's also because Nicola is simply and undeniably magnetic.

Her fans consider that as a pin-up she is indubitably the loveliest.

So, here are the latest pics of the loveliest.

Nicola on the phone is a knockout. Which means, of course, that the feller on the other end of the line is next door to unconscious and would be completely kaput if he could see her as well as hear her.

Nicola likes surfing, sports cars and keeping the furniture highly polished. She has a flair for making everything around the house look as if it's just left the showroom.