Tania Webb


Sweet TANIA WEBB was going this way in search of the path that led to the old barn where they kept an old plough and a nice old horse. And Tania was going to hitch the nice old horse to the old plough and carve a few furrows.

Losing her way, she got misdirected by some charming old geezer. He sent her thataway, probably because Tania so took his eye that he couldn’t think straight. He was quite used to misdirecting noisy motorists and sending them down a cart track to finish up in a pond, but his misdirection of Tania was just one of those mental aberrations brought about by being struck by lightning.

So, Tania never got to the old barn, but she did make a lovely wood nymph and spent an elfish afternoon gambolling around bushes and climbing up trees.

We didn’t care. We were in Carlisle eating biscuits at the time.