Marilyn Ward

Cover Girl

Making our cover look colourful and fetching this month - at least, that was our intention - is Bournemouth boutique girl MARILYN WARD. Marilyn was a model before she took over her boutique.

We usually buy our clothes from Ernest's in the High Street not far from here, but if Marilyn would only stock bowler hats and pin-stripes we'd give up going to Ernest's.

Ernest is quite nice and always very polite. Nothing is too much trouble when he's explaining and illustrating the merits of a forty-guinea waistcoat.

"Look, we don't wear waistcoats."

"Then sir is losing the opportunity to become utterly ravishing, sir." "Look, we bet Marilyn Ward wouldn't try to sell us forty-guinea waistcoats when all we want is a pair of socks with a red stripe.' "Sir is joking, of course. Sir is vainly resisting. Hold him, Montgomery, hold him, Lancelot. There. Now what does sir think of himself? Sir looks beautiful. How can sir think of mere socks when sir is adorned in a waistcoat like that?"

"All right, you win. We'll have it on the never-never. Put it in some brown paper and deliver it. We're off to Bournemouth to buy a pair of socks."

Beautiful Britons No 155 - October 1968