Elizabeth Gallacher

Kilroy Went Before

It's often like that. It was like it when ELIZABETH GALLACHER went out to look for some springtime primroses.

But that feller Kilroy and all his fellow travellers had been there before Liz and there wasn't a primrose in sight. They'd all been nicked.

It didn't actually make life inconsolably desolate for Liz, but it did put her right off Kilroy.

Kilroy, you remember if you're old enough was the legendary character who became famous during the Second World War. Whenever a pub sold out of beer, or you turned up for a date and found your girlfriend had gone off with someone else, it was a case of "Kilroy was here hard luck, mate."

You probably know all that. You probably want to know about Liz, not the unspeakable Kilroy.

Well, Liz is a Scottish girl and a real dream of a girl.

Absolutely lovely legs and beautiful eyes

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967