Look Who I Spotted

Things are not always as they seem.

Here are two pages extracted from Stocking Parade Volume 1 No 5 (1966) Letters to the Editor. Can you spot Brenda North, Penny Baxter, Rosanne Stuart, and possibly Elizabeth Gallacher in a very familiar garage and kitchen? They were all supposedly sent in as reader pictures.

Elizabeth Gallacher

Bikini Line

On our last visit to the South of France the fashion writers were telling us the bikini was out and the new line was a one-piece. But the fashion writers were up the wall. The bikini was still in. You weren't surprised and neither were we, for when you consider how the line makes curvy ELIZABETH GALLACHER look even more curvy, who wants her to wear a one-piece?

Spick No 130 - September 1964

Elizabeth Gallacher

Kilroy Went Before

It's often like that. It was like it when ELIZABETH GALLACHER went out to look for some springtime primroses.

But that feller Kilroy and all his fellow travellers had been there before Liz and there wasn't a primrose in sight. They'd all been nicked.

It didn't actually make life inconsolably desolate for Liz, but it did put her right off Kilroy.

Kilroy, you remember if you're old enough was the legendary character who became famous during the Second World War. Whenever a pub sold out of beer, or you turned up for a date and found your girlfriend had gone off with someone else, it was a case of "Kilroy was here hard luck, mate."

You probably know all that. You probably want to know about Liz, not the unspeakable Kilroy.

Well, Liz is a Scottish girl and a real dream of a girl.

Absolutely lovely legs and beautiful eyes

Beautiful Britons No 137 - April 1967

Denise Fleming

Chic Chef

There goes the old kitchen pinger and out dashes the chic chef to see if what's cooking is cooking good.

DENISE FLEMING, Glasgow housewife, is noted for the fact that she's elegantly photogenic amid her pots and pans. Some housewives sort of let themselves go all anyhow in the kitchen, but not Denise. She remains a very chic chef and her legs aren't exactly unnoticeable, either. How would you like fluffy souffle that just melts in your mouth?

Or hot Viennese schnitzel? Marry a chic chef.

Spick No 189 - August 1969

Elizabeth Gallacher

Send Us A Snap

Keen on photography is ELIZABETH GALLACHER, and when it comes to putting herself on celluloid it’s just what the doctor ordered — as far as we’re concerned. “What d’you think?” asked Liz modestly. “Send us a snap."

Denise Fleming


Some girls look cool and composed, some look swish. DENISE FLEMING looks very swish, she’s a 21-year-old Scottish girl with statistics of 36-20-36, and it’s great to know they develop so many like Denise north of the border.

Elizabeth Gallacher

Entirely Feminine

Since a Scottish flavour is always acceptable, here's one more pin-up girl from over the border. ELIZABETH GALLACHER.

Entirely feminine is Elizabeth, a housewife who can serve up a soufflé looking absolutely eatable. A soufflé is a bit tricky, it has to come to the table delicately fluffy. Still, who's going to care all that much if it subsides a bit? What's a soufflé when you can always make do with bubble and squeak? What's food compared with romance? What’s a new fishing rod compared with the feminity of Elizabeth?

Elizabeth Gallacher

Nice To Know

Come here, faceache.

I beg your pardon'!

You heard. Listen, cocky, I saw you.

I daresay you did. I ain't the invisible man.

You will be if I catch you at it again. You been looking at my girl. Yeah, I was thinking what a nice bracelet she was wearing. I’d like to get one just like that for my mother. What's her name, by the way? I’d like to introduce myself.

Oh, you would, would you? Why?

Because I'm six feet one and you're only five feet four. Any other questions? No, none. Sorry I called you faceache. Now I know you better I can see I shouldn't have. If you’d really like to meet her then her name's ELIZABETH GALLACHER and she’s extremely nice to know. And see that guy who’s just bought her a drink? He’s six feet three, he’s her brother, and he’s nice to know too. Come on over.

Pardon me, I got a train to catch, I gotta be in the Isle of Man by midnight.

Elizabeth Gallacher

Have You Seen My Dog?

It was only a small dog, said ELIZABETH GALLACHER, but so adorable and I didn't know he wasn't with me until I got home with an empty lead.

No, it's difficult to describe him, sergeant, and he's hardly got any tail to speak of. And you can’t see his nose. But he does the cutest tricks if you offer him a bowl of redcurrant jelly. Yes, I know it's not the time of the year for fresh red currants but if you’ve got any frozen ones in the station freezer.

Yes, all right, sergeant, you are a dear. We call him Trixie. Well, someone said he was a girl when we first bought him and he was only about as big as a currant bun. So we called him Trixie but he answers to Trix and if you whistle like a squeaky cork coming out of a tight bottle he’ll answer to that as well.

He's black and white. Well, not all over. He’s a bit brown in front. He sits in the window and gets his face tanned.

Thoroughbred What’s that’ He's just a dog. He’s got four legs and all his teeth if that's what you mean. He likes pink slips. No, ladies’. If your wife has got one she doesn't t want.

Thank you, sergeant, you are a pet. You’re a real Trixie.

Elizabeth Gallacher

Scots Girl 

Not less than super is the way her fans think of ELIZABETH GALLACHER, Scots girl with the looks to take your mind off railway engines and give you wistful dreams.

Denise Fleming

Room with A View

It’s not always the view from the window that makes a room charming. Sometimes, as in this case, it’s the view of the occupant — especially if the occupant happens to be DENISE FLEMING, a dark-eyed Scot with long and lovely legs.