Susan Fairfax and Lynda Farrell

Its Only A Game

It was going to be a jolly game of outdoor shuttlecock and all that lark. Engaged in this sporty venture were SUSAN FAIRFAX, left, and LYNDA FARRELL.

Immediately prior to the opening rally they crossed rackets, and tallyho, they were away in a fencing match, prodding each other with subtle pokes of the round end of the rackets.

"Mind my eye," cried Susan.

"Mind your eye my foot," cried Lynda, "mind my suspenders, you mean." "Voila," cried Susan, scoring a prod.

"Sacre bleu," cried Lynda, "there goes a new stocking."

The rackets clashed and the duel went on.

"How's that for a crafty one?" said Susan.

"You're tripping me, " yelled Lynda.

"Don't worry, "said Susan, "it's only a game."

It might be only a game, but poor Lynda landed with a distinct thud and at the finish there were not only bruises but a state of general disarray. Oh well, girls will be girls.